non-grass fed livestock eat? Normal livestock eat maize and soy. Both of these are highly estrogenic and contain many contaminants, which are passed onto you. Avoid maize and soy by taking lawn fed ere’s Big Mike’s secret recipe: Broccoli + Milk products = Delicious Make some organic nitridexome hot seasoning, and appreciate. Cheese is also filled with Complement K and Zinc, so it’s a win win. Just create sure you use cheddar dairy products and not American singles. Those processed slices are filled with preservatives and estrogens, so it defeats the goal of the organic green spinach. Stamina Enhancing Meals #8: Eggs Make sure you eat the yolk. Why? Well it’s finish of: Vitamin D Saturated Fat Zinc, choline, selenium Complete protein Iodine …those are all outstanding stuff. Protip: chop up some organic green spinach